
USC By-Election Candidates for 2024-25.

Health Sciences Councillor

Paige Howlett

Health Sciences Councillor

1. Advocacy:
- I will advocate for our program's unique needs on behalf of the student body. - I will listen to concerns and suggestions and work to amend them. - Advocate for the recognition and appreciation of our unique program within the Western community. - Strive to ease the transition for former Brescia students into the faculty.
2. Transparency: - I will attend USC meetings and summarize contents to students. - Explain USC motions to students so they are aware of what is going on in the USC. - Provide information to students regarding Nutrition-specific scholarships.
3. Engagement: - I will strive to foster engagement within our programs by sharing volunteer opportunities, resources, and mental health supports. - I will share opportunities outside of Nutrition but within the Faculty of Health Science, such as FHSSC events, to encourage opportunities to connect with others within the faculty.

Science Councillor

Gregory Chai

Sciences Councillor

Leadership As your representative, I will provide strong leadership that puts student interests first.I believe leadership is about more than making decisions – it’s about listening, collaborating, and making sure that every voice is heard. I will take responsibility for ensuring that your concerns are brought to the council and that real action is taken. My goal is to lead with integrity, transparency, and commitment to delivering positive change for our campus. Together, we can work towards a future where student voices drive the decisions that affect us all.
Openness Openness is at the core of my campaign. I believe that students deserve full transparency from their representatives, and I commit to keeping you informed about all council activities and decisions. I want to foster open lines of communication, where students can easily reach out with their questions, concerns, or ideas. Whether through town halls, social media updates, or regular check- ins, I will ensure that you’re always in the loop and that your feedback is valued. Openness builds trust, and I am here to earn and maintain that trust.
Community Our campus is more than just a place of learning – it’s a community. I am running because I believe in the power of community and the strength that comes from students supporting one another. As your Councillor, I will work to build stronger connections between students from all faculties and backgrounds. I want to foster a sense of belonging, where everyone feels like they are part of something bigger. Together, we can create an inclusive and thriving community that celebrates our differences while coming together for a common cause.
Kindness Kindness is a value that is often overlooked, but it’s one that I believe can transform our campus. As your representative, I will champion initiatives that foster compassion and support for all students. Whether it’s addressing mental health concerns, creating safe spaces, or promoting a culture of respect, I believe that kindness can make our university a more welcoming and positive place. By locking in kindness, we can create an environment where everyone feels seen, valued, and cared for.
Inclusion Inclusion is not just a goal; it’s a commitment to ensuring that every student, no matter their background, feels welcome and supported. I believe that diversity is one of our greatest strengths, and as your Councillor, I will work to ensure that all voices are heard and respected. I will advocate for policies and initiatives that promote equity and celebrate the diversity of our student body. Together, we can create a campus where inclusion is not just an idea but a reality for every student.
Needs Every student has unique needs, and as your representative, I am committed to making sure those needs are met. Whether it’s advocating for mental health resources, financial aid, or better student services, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the council addresses the issues that matter most to you. I understand that university life can be challenging, and I’m here to listen and take action on the things that will improve your experience. I want to lock in real solutions that meet the needs of every student on our campus. #lockingreg4sci

Nadith Ranasinghe

Sciences Councillor

Pillar 1:
Allocate funding towards the promotion of academic resources such as the Omni-Science Students Guide, and BMP program within academic counseling. This is key to ensuring that first-year academics are done with percision, allowing for the excellence of all students involved.
Pillar 2:
Increase the resources given to Soph’s and found in dropboxes which provide students with a greater advantage. This will ensure that first year students again are able to gain acess to the resources they need to do more academically - this will also ensure that upper year students are not bogged behind as well, as further resources can be allocated by Sophs.
Pillar 3:
Promote events and programs allowing educate students on post-grad options such as further schooling, research, internships, etc. It's stereotypical that science students are gunning for medicine and/or dentistry - and I want to ensure that image is not the only one being delievered to Western science students who are genuinely curious about other career opportunities which are avaliable for them out there in the modern science field.

Amaan Yousuf

Sciences Councillor

1. Acute representation for each department (eg. biology, chemistry, earch science, medicine, physics etc). 2. More transparency from councillors/council. 3. Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. 4. Councillor meet and greet events to voice opinions. 5. Being a councillor who goes above and beyond.

Social Science Councillor

Jake Kroell

Social Sciences Councillor

Working to ensure that social science students understand the opportunities provided to them through USC and the Social Science Students Council in order to promote student engagement and activity. • Working with University Affairs and Student Engagement to develop a biweekly information session discussing upcoming extracurriculars, career development opportunities, social events, and more. • Advocating for increased marketing and promotion around campus of extracurricular opportunities such as student government and orientation leadership. Opportunity:
Placing a greater emphasis on the development of social science students both in their academics and careers by providing more opportunities for students to grow. • Working to promote the voice of Faculty of Social Science clubs in USC in order to help advance their role on campus and relationship with social science students. • Advocating for career development events such as resume workshops and information sessions with a note on programs historically less represented. Support:
Ensuring the well-being of students is maintained and supported through USC activities both by providing more opportunities for students to de-stress while also ensuring their concerns are heard. • Increasing stress-relieving activities and mental health resources, particularly during exam season, through advocating for increased support from USC to student wellness. • Develop a system by which social science students can be surveyed and their issues can be heard in order to increase discussions and clarity between USC and social science.

Shayo (Shay) Olaiya

Social Sciences Councillor

1. Enhancing Student Wellness
- implementing better mental health awareness through workshops, peer support systems
2. Cultural Inclusivity
- broadcasting the diversity on western campus, and organizing cultural events positviy, positivitaley impacting student life on campus for all backgrounds.
3. Improving Campus Facilities
- advocating for better study spaces (boosting acedemic preformances), advocacy for better wellness (gym)
4. Career Developing
- helping students who dont have a background / experience, helping by strengthening their connections, offering workshops on resume writing / interview prep / networking skills

Maria Parisis

Social Sciences Councillor

1. Representation and Inclusivity My goal is to advocate for events and resources that reflect the diversity of social science students. Understanding the variety of modules in the faculty of social science, my goal is to ensure smaller programs receive equal attention. I would love to work to develop resources and opportunities for underrepresented groups such as first-generation students. I will actively uphold diversity and inclusivity goals by advocating for equitable representation and supporting initiatives that celebrate and highlight diverse voices.
2. Development and Opportunities Under this pillar my primary goal is to advocate for more opportunities that assist students in exploring their options post-grad. I would also aim to promote more internship and volunteer opportunities around campus to help students build their resumes and gain valuable experience.
3. Visibility and Engagement I understand how difficult it can be to stay up to date with the USC and student governance. Under this pillar, I will aim to make USC policies and updates as accessible and visible as possible. Ideas to ensure this include hosting townhalls or councillor office hours, and publishing a website where students can follow along with motions being discussed by the USC and respective faculties. Engaging with students from across campus and making sure that everyone is aware that they have a voice in the USC is a key goal. I particularly want to make USC engagement more accessible to students who are not already involved in governance or extra curriculars.
4. Support and Advocacy As a councillor I want to make sure shortfalls in campus supports are always addressed and looking to be improved. Particularly with mental health supports, I would like to improve things such as accessibility and wait times to access these resources. Making sure that students feel supported in all aspects of academics and health is a huge priority of mine, having struggled with some of these gaps myself.
5. Accountability All of these previous pillars are only relevant if the people in power are held accountable. As a councillor I will commit myself to accountability by ensuring to follow-up with motions, and not let anything be swept under the table. Having an open, anonymous feedback channel that will allow students to share suggestions and concerns will help us, as elected representatives, make sure we are fulfilling our job to advocate for the student body. I will commit myself to personal accountability by sharing regular updates and progress, and seeking feedback on my performance.

Western Board of Governors Candidates for 2024-25.

The following undergraduate students have been nominated for membership on the Board of Governors (term from October 8, 2024 – June 30, 2025).

Learn about your candidates


  • Arts and Humanities Councillor
  • Arts and Humanities President
  • BOG
  • FIMS Councillor
  • FIMS President
  • Health Sciences President
  • Health Studies Councillor
  • Health Studies President
  • Kinesiology Councillor
  • Kinesiology President
  • Music Councillor
  • Music President
  • Nursing Councillor
  • Nursing President
  • Referendum
  • Science Councillor
  • Science President
  • Senate
  • Social Science Councillor
  • Social Science President
  • USC President